Java Programming

Become a Java developer by learning from Basic to Advanced level.If you want to learn Java programming from scratch this master course is for you.

Course Details

Course Duration

2.5 months

Mode Of Teaching


Teaching Language


Weekdays Batch

Starting Date





06:00-07:30 PM

Weekend Batch

Starting Date



Sat & Sun


09:30-12:00 PM

Slot Closes On


Slot Closes On


Next Batch Starts On

Next Batch Starts On

Fee Structure


Course Syllabus

Core Java

  • Why to learn Java?
  • What is a Programming language?
  • Advantages of Java
  • Features of Java
  • History Of Java
  • Lifecycle Of A Java Program
  • What are Keywords?
  • Uses Of Keywords
  • What are Primitives?
  • What are Datatypes?
  • Types of Datatypes
  • What is Variable?
  • What is Re initialization? Variables
  • What are Operators?
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational  Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • What are Control Statements?
  • if and if else statements
  • Nested if Statements
  • Switch Statements
  • Example Program on Statements
  • What are loops?
  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • Do While Loop
  • For Each Loop
  • Infinite Loop
  • Pattern Programs 
  • Private
  • default/package
  • Protected
  • Public
  • What are Methods?
  • Uses Of Methods
  • Passing values And Returning Values in Methods
  • What is an Identifier?
  • Uses Of Identitfier
  • What is a Scanner Class?
  • Uses Of Scanner Classes
  • How to get the Input Form Scanner Class?
  • What Is An Array
  • Uses Of Arrays
  • Types Of Arrays
  • Dimensional Arrays
  • Array Initializer
  • What is String Class?
  • What Are Utitility Methods?
  • Utility Methods Provided by String Class
  • CharAt() Method
  • length() Method
  • toCharArray() Method
  • indexOf() Method
  • lastIndexOf() Method
  • Contains() Method
  • startswith() Method
  • endsWith() Method
  • equals() Method
  • equals Ignore Case() Method
  • to Upper Case()
  • to Lower Case()
  • Substring()
  • Trim()
  • split()
  • What is Object Oriented programming Language?
  • Advantages Of Object Oriented Programming Language
  • What is Static Members?
  • What is Non Static Members?
  • What is a Class?
  • What is an Object?
  • What is Deep Copies?
  • What is Shallow Copies?
  • What is Memory Management in Java
  • Class Area
  • Heap Area
  • Method Area
  • Stack Area
  • What is Initialization Blocks?
  • What is Static Blocks?
  • What is Non Static Blocks?
  • What is a Constructor?
  • Uses Of Constructors
  • Types Of Constructors
    • Default Constructors
    • Zero Argument Constructors
    • Parameterized Constructors
  • What is Constructor Overloading
  • Types Of Arguments
  • Length Of Arguments
  • Sequence Of Arguments
  • What Is Constructor Chaining?
  • this() Statement
  • super() statement
  • What is Inheritance?
  • Types Of Inheritance
  • Single level Inheritance
  • Multi level Inheritance
  • Hierarchial Inheritance
  • Hybrid Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • What is Polymorphism?
  • Types Of Polymorphism
  • Compile Time Polymorphism
  • Run Time Polymorphism
  • Super and Final Keyword
  • What Is Method Overloading?
  • Variations Of Method Overloading
    • Types Of Arguments
    • Length Of Arguments
    • Sequence Of Arguments
  • Example Of Compile Time Polymorphism?
  • What Is Method Overriding?
  • Rules For Method Overriding
  • Example Of Run Time Polymorphism?
  • What Is Abstraction?
  • “abstract” Keyword
  • Abstract Methods In Java
  • Realtime Examples in Abstraction
  • What is An Interface?
  • Rules To Use Interface
  • Uses Of Interfaces In Java
  • Difference Between Abstraction and Interface
  • What is Encapsulation?
  • Packages In Java
  • Example Program For Encapsulation
  • What is String Class?
  • Literals
  • “new” Keywords
  • Constant Pool
  • Non Constant Pool
  • What is String buffer?
  • What is String Builder?
  • Difference Between String Buffer and String builder?
  • Example Programs On String buffer and String builder
  • What is Wrapper Class?
  • Boxing
  • Unboxing
  • Parsing
  • What is An Exception?
  • What is Exception Handling?
  • Hierarchy Of Exception
  • Types Of Exceptions
  • Checked Exceptions
  • Unchecked Exceptions
  • Blocks in Exception Handling
  • Try Block
  • Catch Block
  • Finally Block
  • Finalize Block
  • Throw Keyword
  • Throws Keyword
  • What is File Handling?
  • Why File Handling Required In Java
  • Streams In Java
  • Input and Output Stream in Java
  • How to Create a File?
  • How to Read a File?
  • How to Write a File?
  • How to Delete a File?
  • What is Collection Framework?
  • List
    • Array List
    • Vector
    • Linked List
  • Queue
      Priority Queue
  • Set
    • Hash Set
    • Linked hash Set
    • Tree Set
  • Map
    • Hash Map
    • Linked Hash Map
    • Tree Map

Advance Java(J2EE)

  • What Is J2EE?
  • Why We Need J2EE?
  • What is Webservice?
  • What is Xml?
  • Uses Of Webservices?
  • JDBC Introduction
  • JDBC Driver
  • Steps To Connect With Database
  • Driver Manager
  • Connection 
  • Statement
  • Result Set
  • Prepared Statement
  • What are Servlets?
  • Generic Servlets
  • Http Servlets
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • How Servlets Work?
  • War File
  • Request Dispatcher
  • Servlet Context
  • Cookies
  • Hidden Form Field
  • Http Session(Login & Logout)
  • CRUD Applications In Brief

SQL For Java

  • What is SQL
  • Why We Need SQL?
  • What Is MySQL
  • MySQL Installation
  • What is Data?
  • Information vs Data
  • What is RDBMS?
  • What Database?
  • Uses Of Databases?
  • Types Of Database?
  • What is Query?
  • What is SQL Tables?
  • How to Create Tables?
  • How to Show Tables?
  • How to Rename Tables
  • What Are Queries?
  • Queries We Need For Java


Student Database Management System

Learn how student database management system works backend by using JDBC and Servlets by doing realtime project

What We Will Provide

Online Community

An Online coummunity will be created on the first day of class where students can discuss their doubts with other students eventhough our instructors are available 24/7

Study Material

We provide study materials once the classes gets completed everyday 

Mock Interview

Mock interviews will be conducted regulary to get realtime interview exposure and to be prepared with the concepts thoroughly


We provide certification once all the sesions gets completed provided maintaining attendance and completion of projects

Frequently Asked Questions

The training given by That One Programmer is well structured anyone from fresher to experiened can able to understand the concepts easily.At end of the class students can able to attend the interviews without hesitation

Anyone from any education background can join the course,as this course is structured for fresher to experienced level.

You can enroll for the course by clicking “enroll” button and through the payment page you can do the payment 

Yes if students is absent on that day for valuable reasons,backup classes will be scheduled.Students can learn without missing the topics

No 3 days demo class is completely free.Students can decideto join after demo class.

Sorry,No Refunds will be provided

We Provide Career guidance in classes,mock interviews and resume building sessions and daily job updates